Monday, February 25, 2008

So distressed!

Michael's Craft Store in Avon cancelled it's stitch and sit classes. They fired my instructor, and the crochet instructor, as well as the jewelry teachers and painting teachers too. I can't believe the incredibly bad idea this is for Michael's to do. Apparently this decision is a corporate one and it's across the board at all Michael's. As of April 7, 2008, they will no longer hold classes.

I don't know where their corporate got their information that classes were bad for business. Apparently, they haven't seen the quantity of yarn and needles and notions my class buys every week. I can't imagine we are the only class that buys stuff where we work.

If you were affected by this in any way, I urge you to say something to Michael's. Call, email, whatever. Please.


Blogger Salin Low said...

I met you at Michael's. I'm a crocheter, but I'd love to find a sit 'n' stitch group in the area.

4:34 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

Hi, I remember you! I hope you come back to read this. We are no longer meeting at Michael's. We are planning to meet at couple of places during the next couple of weeks and you are welcome to join us. You can email me at sunfleur1 at gmail dot com for more info.

8:39 AM  

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